Thursday, July 16, 2015

Twitter: A cute little bird...or not so much?


noun: descent; plural noun: descents

1   1. an action of moving downward, dropping, or falling.
"Jill’s descent into Twitter madness."

I was captivated by Twitter in an instant; like a junkie who is hooked the first time they shoot up. And like said junkie I was constantly searching for the feeling of that first high. Where would it come from:

  •        a Favorite
  •        a Retweet
  •        a Quoted Tweet
  •        a Response to one of my Tweets
  •        a Mention
  •        a Private message
  •        or the Ultimate: a famous person follows you

I  was determined to find out.

I quickly expanded those who I followed, everything from celebrities, to lawyers, to gay publications, gay rights advocacy groups, art magazines, science stuff, SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States,’cause someday I’m gonna be a lawyer), TV shows, TV show creators, politicians, writers…. pretty much anything or anyone that grabbed my interest.

I have pretty diverse tastes and love randomness, I figured cast a wide net and see what I could catch. That elusive high was waiting out there somewhere.

One thing I discovered on this journey into obsession: trying to become a Twitter phenomenon is time consuming. My face was constantly in my phone, as soon as I woke up, I grabbed my phone. First thing I did when I got to my desk; check Twitter, because that 6 mile drive was just too long to be away from it. Practically every waking moment was spent checking my phone. 

This coming from someone who usually left said phone in her purse for days on end without looking at it. I was such a poor phone user, if my Pumpkin (not her government name) to FaceTime (something she enjoys even though she’s only 16 months old) Pumpkin's mother would have to text her mother, Debi (who is my partner): 

Tell Jill to answer her phone!!!!

My how I changed. 

Then I found out about live Tweeting. When a show’s cast & crew, creators, writers, producers and so on live Tweet during the show using # for whatever show it is. What a rush! It was as if the people on screen, the writer and a million other fans were sitting with me in my living room!

It’s a witty, nerdy, snarky, random person’s dream…. right up my alley.

I have been told I can be snarky (totally true), I have a sharp wit (mostly true, depends on the day) and I am self admitted, random. A perfect match!

The first time I participated in a Live Tweet session was on SYFY Friday during Defiance (a fabulous sci-fi show on the SYFY channel about an Earth that has been invaded and practically destroyed by a collective of alien races called, you guessed it The Votan Collective), Killjoys (a team of bounty hunters in space led by a kickass chick named Dutch) and Dark Matter (the crew of a spaceship wake up from stasis with no idea who they are or how they got there, oh and they have an Android, brilliantly brought to life by Zoie Palmer).

All great shows and ones you should check out if you like sci-fi and shows that aren’t afraid to do the unexpected. I checked several of those boxes mentioned above during those live Tweet sessions. I got a couple of ReTweets (one from a member of the crew for Dark Matter no less), several Favorites and a Mention!

My new hobby was found and I was on a mission to check the rest of those boxes.

Tweet, Tweet, Retweet, Favorite, Respond, Favorite repeat, repeat, repeat……………..down the rabbit hole I went…………….

Then, it happened! I started checking the boxes on my list left and right! The creator of Dark Matter @BaronDestructo quoted one of my Tweets, @penn_state (106k followers by the way) Retweeted one of my Tweets and the ultimate box..…a famous person followed me and kept following me, STILL follows me, weeks and weeks later.


One thing that eludes me though in my Twitter world is gathering followers. I have about 19-25 at any given time. I gain a follower, I lose a follower, back & forth, up & down it goes.

I do have to give a shout-out to the best follower ever: @JediMonkey79
He always has my back, Favoriting and Retweeting to his 250+ followers.

I figure in order to gain a ton of followers you have to be famous (I’m not), produce fan videos (I don’t have the skill), create fan art (I draw & paint, but not people), write fan fiction (I write, but I’m not delusional enough to think I’d be any good at that). 

I took it personal for a bit, you know, woe is me, nobody likes me, what’s wrong with me? Am I not good enough for people to follow and so it went until I realized it was making me insane.

I thought about deleting my account and walking away from all things Twitter; giving up.

Then I got this quote from a Chinese fortune cookie:

 “A man can fail many times, but is not a failure until he gives up.”

I forged on, but with a different tactic and a different attitude.

Next Week On……..I begin my ascent from madness….

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