Thursday, August 6, 2015

Back to my first love: Photography

noun: photography
  1. the art or practice of taking and processing photographs.

    Last week I discussed fear, my personal fears in particular and my desire to overcome them to get to what I want. I want to be fearless, one step at a time.
    I love photography, I love cityscapes, landscapes and taking pictures of both. A week or so ago I took the bold step (for me anyway) of going to downtown Raleigh, by myself and walking the streets taking pictures. It was an exhilarating experience. I am typically too afraid to do something like this alone, but I did it and I got some awesome shots. 

    That's all I have for words this week, the rest is some of my favorite shots from that trip. Take a look, some of them are, if I say so myself, pretty good. Oh I have plenty more, maybe next week I'll share more.
    The view of the capitol from the science museum

    Tree lined sidewalk

    One of my favorite buildings
    My new favorite building

    This filter is fabulous!

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